

The available scientific information allows us to assign an individual risk profile to each patient to establish the prognosis and assign the frequency of maintenance. It is based on an article by Niklaus Lang and Mauricio Tonnetti*. It takes into account six variables that are collected in a spider web graph. Each of these variables can range from low to high risk and in turn allows assigning an overall risk that also ranges from low to high. The figure shows this spider web graphic in which the clinical elements that compose it can be seen. If you are a periodontal patient, the realization of this chart will allow your dentist to control your disease based on objective scientific criteria, increasing long-term safety. If you are a dentist, do not hesitate to introduce this criterion in the follow-up of your patients, it will give you confidence in what you do and peace of mind.

*Niklaus R Lang and Maurizio S. Tonetti. Periodontal Risk Assessment (PRA) for Patients in Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT). Oral Health Prev Dent 2003; 1: 7-16

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