
T-Scan, diagnosis of occlusion in Clínica Noguerol

Clínica Noguerol incorporates a new tool called T-Scan . This state-of-the-art system incorporates sensor technology focused on occlusion analysis and diagnosis.

It allows objective examination of the bite of patients with pathology or monitoring of patients who have completed orthodontic treatment or rehabilitation with prostheses. With T-Scan we can see in which teeth there are contacts, which teeth are in contact at any given moment during mastication or if there are teeth that are subjected to excessive forces. The latter is especially important because it can contribute to pain or aggravation of teeth that have periodontitis.

How does it work? The T-Scan system is easy to use, patient-friendly and non-invasive. The patient has to bite down on a sensor that transmits real-time chewing force information to software on a computer.

The main advantages it offers are:

  • It provides objective and precise data on occlusion, allowing the patient to be treated with greater certainty.
  • Improves the durability and results of rehabilitation treatments if the patient undergoes T-Scan scanning on a regular basis.
  • Facilitates communication with the patient through the images provided by the software.
Distribution of forces between the different teeth in the T-Scan image. The yellow and pink bars show the areas where the contacts are greater, demonstrating that teeth are subjected to greater forces.

If you need orthodontic or oral rehabilitation treatment, make an appointment at Clínica Noguerol. Call 958270101 or make an appointment through our website.

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